PPC management
Our strategy is all-inclusive, and we don’t limit ourselves to your account only. We make sure that tracking analytics are perfectly set up, so your landing pages help to boost up your quality scores (which eventually lowers your cost per click), and we also share our view on how we can better convert your clients to get the best ROI.
PPC Methodologies/Areas of Focus:
Tracking: Bulls i Marketing Company provides basic analytics tracking and conversion tracking codes for PPC and can be installed as needed. We will work with your team to ensure that proper tracking is accurate as it is key to our success. We do want to precisely monitor every conversion point which includes a newsletter sign-up form and a lead generation form.
Keyword Selection: The key to the success of any PPC campaign is keyword selection. To reduce cost per click and increase relevance, we believe in the approach of using a comprehensive long-tailed keyword to showcase its proven positive effect on the above points. We bid more general terms slightly lower since the resulting conversion rate will be lower.
Competitors: Since branding is very strong in your vertical market, we propose chosen competitors’ names as keywords for highly relevant clicks at any time we have a competitive advantage. We will need high quality landing pages and well-created ads.
Quality Scores: We restructure campaigns according to the quality scores we get while reviewing them it is because quality scores are a critical factor for the success of the account. We forecast having dedicated display network, search and remarketing campaigns, and each of the search and display campaigns will probably have dozens of ad groups of very closely related keywords for top quality scores.
PPC Match Types: We stress focusing on more exact match types. Most of the time, we don’t prefer using broad matched keywords, except a broad matching keyword has exceptionally low conversion costs. Instead of using broad matching keywords, we will focus on modified broad matched keywords, phrase matched keywords, and exact matching keywords, focus on exacting match type with higher bids. We can accomplish several goals with this technique. First, exact matched keywords deserve more aggressive bids since these are likely to convert much better than broad matched keywords and we will be able to better micromanage bids. More importantly, the relevancy between the keywords goes way high when Google sees that the same keyword is present three or four times in different variations in an ad group, and that leads to higher quality scores and lower cost per clicks.
Negative Keywords: Negative keywords cut off traffic that is provoked by your keywords, but not actually the traffic you want for your site. We have identified a significant number of negative keywords from many of our previous clients in your industry that can be incorporated into your account. These, negative keywords and ongoing reviews of search queries, are included in our standard operating procedures.
Bid Adjustments: Our proprietary bid management software and skills help us bid specifically on the keywords and websites that have your target audience for the most cost-effective rates. Most often, we found that positions two and three are the most cost-effective, we will use our software to push them to the optimal positions by treating each keyword individually.
Managing by Devices: The mobile marketplace has changed since the advent of Google enhanced campaigns. Mobile traffic is a significant portion of the online marketplace as it tends to convert at a lower cost. We will adjust this in tow approaches. First, Click-to-call is the most preferred way of conversion from mobile devices, so we’ll deploy click-to-call into our methodology. Secondly, we usually advise bidding down on our mobile bids, and our understanding indicates that a lowering of 10 to 15 percent is a good starting point in your marketplace, although you may have data that will help us further refine this figure.
Time of Day/Day of Week Adjustments: It is important to adjust bids by the time of day and day of the week as it is inappropriate to run the campaigns 24/7. It is best to save money during off times when the best traffic is available, adjust your bids by the time of day so that we get a click truly worth paying for. Some smaller adjustments also need to be made by the day of the week. Furthermore, you may have internal data and our experience in your business help us refine these adjustments.
Ad Creation: Getting the right message is a huge success factor in PPC marketing. Our experience tells us that such messaging has major positive effects on both conversion rates and click-through rates, which is why we recommend such a high level of client interaction when creating campaigns. We will combine our standard best practices and your messaging regarding ad copy to develop compelling, effective text and image ads. We can utilize your ads that have already been created, or we have experts that will create new and unique ads with images that you give us. Proven images from your inventory are also required while delivering the messaging right.
Ad Variation: Bulls i Marketing company recommends you practice split testing a variety of ads. We keep on testing ads against each other to select the highly optimized ones for future campaigns. Another thing we will do along with split testing is that we incorporate ad extensions into each ad group and keep on optimizing them to improve click-through rates.
Display Network : Initially, we prefer not to devote more than 10 to 15% of your PPC budget to the display ads. These display networks target audiences researching information on different websites that offer services the same as yours, but the quality of that traffic is assumed to be much lower than in the search networks. However, the click cost in the display networks is quite low as compared to the search networks and we believe that this can be a small source of low-cost traffic. We want to. Particularly focus on remarketing (check below). We will dedicate more budget for these campaigns if the data proves and expand the display networks.
Remarketing : We accept that "remarketing" (at times called "retargeting") will be a crucial part of the accomplishment of your digital marketing efforts. Here is a concise description. Except for those couple of individuals who have cookies disabled on their device, a cookie can be set on the device of any website visitor. It doesn't make a difference in how they reached the website. Those individuals would then be able to be targeted with cost-effective ads and visit different sites on the internet. This is usually very low-cost and can transform a one-time visitor into a customer, basically increasing our efforts towards target clientele.
tools : We will provide you with our proprietary reporting tool. This source shows trending data fantastically. We will share weekly reports and personal analysis of your account.